

Some of the wonderful things we have discovered could not have been discovered by gringos like us if we were traveling any other way than by bicycling.

Things that we have discovered:

  • Markets called mercados. All fresh foods grown in the local farms, picked recently and sold at the markets by mostly women sitting on blankets and 5 gallon paint buckets. (price for lunch about 25 pesos or $2.50)
  • Bathroom etiquette in Mexico: Always bring your own TP, do not flush it down the toilet because the systems can not handle it. Instead put it in the bucket next to the toilet and flush (sometimes) by pouring a bucket full of water from the 55 gallon storage barrel. (costs 2 pesos if TP is included and bathroom is tended and clean)
  • Showers can be found in many markets. They're called regaderas publicos and can cost 5-8 pesos (50-80 cents US). What a treat to discover these showers when otherwise we have to take a hotel room to get a shower.
  • Siestas: Mexican relaxing time between 2:00 and 4:00. Find the centro of town and find a park bench or a slab of concrete somewhere in the shade. (costs nothing and guaranteed to attract every curious kid around to come check out the bike tourist)
  • Internet cafes: a great place to be during the hot afternoons or late evening or anytime one does not feel like riding the bike. The cost is about a dollar an hour (10 pesos an hour) and can be found in most towns with 10,000 people or more. We found that sending a postcard costs about $1.50 each, and the internet cafe only costs $1.00/hour, so the economics are clear. We go with the internet cafe.